Amerikanske Paul Cauthen har en af disse store dybe stemmer, der bare brager igennem. Rent musikalsk er han både til brag og ballade – og det meste af det der findes ind imellem. Han er på alle måder ”the real deal” – en cowboy med en mission.
Live har man de seneste par år på Tønder Festival kunne se hans imponerende styrker på livescenen, hvor hans sange og stemme virkelig foldes ud, og i år fremstod han mere country-rocket end sidste år. Det klædte ham – og på Side 33 håber vi det afspejler lyden på det album ”Room 41”, der udkommer på fredag den 06.09. De første par singler har i hvert fald sat forventningerne i vejret.
Der er netop udsendt video til singlen ”Prayed for Rain”, og at det et nummer der betyder noget for Paul Cauthern understreger det opslag han lavede til videoen den 30.08.09, hvor han skrev følgende –
“Prayed for rain means a lot to me. I wrote this tune with my pal Ward Davis out near the border of Mexico. Ended up putting the final touches on the tune with Beau Bedford. He really helped me bring it home. Vincent Monsaint, Elizabeth NeSmith and I wrote the video treatment one evening in Dallas. It really struck a chord with us. We knew we were about to do the Lord’s work. This shows a wife and a son that continue to hustle even after the father is passed. The young boy Cooper Kimosh was perfect for the roll. He really understood what we were going for. Incredible to see a kid shine so bright! Jayciexxvii played an amazing part as the strong, southern dust bowl mother. She was glowing throughout it all. Couldn’t of done any of this without evantate tatefarms the Tate family are deal ranchers and know that Mother Nature takes part in a rancher/farmers success. This was the first film I directed with Vincent. Keep working and persevering through thick and thin. Remember the lessons of those before us. The spirit is alive. All my friends we were born survivors. Here’s Prayed For Rain”.
Fotos af Paul Cauthen er fra dette års Tønder Festival.